

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Forex Trading - Learning

Forex Trading - Learning

Hello friends how are you, I hope all of your will be in good state of health.  Till now we have learned many things about forex trading, we have also learned about basics of Instant Execution order and stop loss and take profit limits.  In upcoming lessons we will learn more about how to place an order and how to set different options in pending order type.  So keep on visiting my blog and you will learn new things.  Also visit my youtube channel and watch videos how to practically carry out the forex trading.

General Discussions

Lesson No 8

Till now we have learned some basics of forex trading like, introduction to forex trading, how to open account, what is MT4 and its interface and how to start first trade.  So friends I hope till now you have got enough information about forex trading and I hope that now you will be in a position to at least open your demo account and start playing and doing experiences with your demo account.

Friends remember, Forex Trading is not a game to make you millionaire over the night but it is a game of patience and hard work.  If you will lose temper and patience at an early stage of your forex trading then believe me you will lost your money and will bear a lot of loss to your capital.  You must, very keenly watch the market trends and then set  your profit and loss limits and place your order, after placing order wait for market trends so that it may hit your profit limit and you will gain profit.  It can take few hours or even few days or weeks to hit your profit limit if you will lose your temper in early stage you will not meet your target and will lost your capital.

You can watch videos on youtube channel to have general idea about forex trading.